
Exploding show

Exploding show
listening to others and drawing my show

And then there was this.
The top image shows the explosion of my mind, when i'd moved on to thinking about making my Hypothetical exhibition about outsider/insider artists working with textiles. I had already identified some groupings that I knew I wanted to include in the show, but using this exploding mind map helped me work out where different artists fitted in. For example before I did this I believed that one of the key areas was the use of text in work, but when I sat down and looked at it there were only a few artists working in this way. I definately think that there is an interesting case to be made for text in work, especially in embroidery etc, but this wasn't going to be the show for that.
The second image shows pages from my book where i'd been trying to rough out my ideas for how things would be displayed, and then went over that with some notes taken whilst other members of my group were giving their presentations.

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Hi, i'm interested to hear what you think, thanks for your comments- i'll try and respond to them here in the blog.