
Cornish Guernseys and Knit-Frocks by Mary Wright

Cornish Guernseys and Knit-frocks
Charles Joliffe, Charles Joliffe Jnr, and Jim Curtis with a young friend at Polperro in the 1860s.
The famous panel of 82 photographs in the Rowett Institute, Polperro. The photographs were taken in the late nineteenth century and are all named
Messers. Puckey, Marks and Joliffe of Polperro
Final stages of construction in these knit-frocks, show the skills of two young Polperro girls

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting - the picture of the two girls knitting was featured in a UK knitting magazine a few months back. The author of the article did some digging around about these girls history and they both actually ended up knitting as their livelihood.
    I find it fascinating that what was once so integral to these girls community as a way of life is now essentially downgraded to a 'hobby'...


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